Hello everyone who visits my blog, my name is shaniqua. I welcome all to read my words, and i especially welcome all who love to spread the love as much i do, who love life, even when you think you can't make it. There is a certain group of people in this world, lovers, peace makers, freedom chacers, people who see the world in its true colors. I hope you enjoy what you read... And don't be afraid to leave a comment, i love imput!:) Thankyou...


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

A beginning and an end.

My life will soon be taking off in a whole other direction. Starting on may 14th, my birthday, I will no longer have to come to school. Which means my posting on here might seize to exist. But my life will really just be beginning. I plan to work full time and save up lots of money, while studying to take my GED test on June 7th. I plan to be fully emancipated by or right after that date. To be my own individual person.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Family is one thing that is sopost to always be there. People who are sopost to love you unconditionaly, always. But so far Iv only seen that from 5 percent of my family. And especially not my mother.

It can always get worst...

Some times I wonder if ill make it out alive. After everything I've been threw in only 16 years of life, its hard not to. Cause every time I say things cant get worst, they usually do. But if there is one thing I've learned, it can always get worst. They clouds can always get darker. The rain always heavier. The winds, always stronger. Pain, always greater. So never say that things cant get worst, cause in that instant you give all your hope up to the forces of nature. And when you have no hope, you have nothing. Don't give it up to anyone or anything.