Hello everyone who visits my blog, my name is shaniqua. I welcome all to read my words, and i especially welcome all who love to spread the love as much i do, who love life, even when you think you can't make it. There is a certain group of people in this world, lovers, peace makers, freedom chacers, people who see the world in its true colors. I hope you enjoy what you read... And don't be afraid to leave a comment, i love imput!:) Thankyou...


Thursday, January 28, 2010

The Life Of a Secretary Job

I work Monday threw Friday, every day after school. My job has many pros and cons you could say. I am a secretary and assistant for a tax lady in the town i live in. Every day i come in, put my things in my desk, sit down and go to work. I file lots and lots of papers, especially for our major clients. Other than that I answer phones, make appointments, deal with clients that come in, get my boss coffee on a regular basis. And in my job description I have to keep the office clean, and keep desks clear and organized. I'm a person who loves to be moving, constantly going and keeping active, my job involves nothing of the sort. A lot of time I am just sitting and doing nothing at all. It kills me, and makes time drag on, like thick molasses dripping from a jar. But hey, I'm making money to sit on my bum for a few hours.
Most people wouldn't complain and i don't really. It simply makes me anxious for my true dream job of being a zoologist. I love animals with all my heart. And my dream in to work with them, a hands on active job. Doing something i love. And that I think is one of the most important factors of having a job, to love what your dong with a passion. Passion is the essence and base of life i believe. If you don't have passion, what do you have?

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Favorite Quotes
" Life is one long road with lots of sign's, so when you are riding threw the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief, and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality.
Wake up and live!"
Bob Marley
This is one of those kinda quotes people should live by. Because no matter how old you, or who you are, you can apply this to your own lives somehow. Bob knew what he was talking about, trust me.
"True love is only real when shared with others"
some guy somewhere
Think about the happiest time in your life, or all the happy times in your life, and tell me...where you with people, or were you alone? Chances are, for the majority, you were with people, your friends, your family, your loved ones. To me, being with my friends is when I'm happiest. Why not share that happiness with other people? Pass on a few smiles and good laughs that will stay with you forever. I think it will get you far in life.
"The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid, and deeds left undone."
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Sad, yet true. This quote i can compare with the most. Stuff that makes your heart ache, that makes the tears fall, that never leaves your side.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

First Day

The sun was just rising over the horizon as we sat at the village waiting for our hero’s to return to us… I’m just kidding. We’ll save that story for another day. For now I’ll tell you how I came to have this blog. My first period class is an online publishing course, and it consist of four people… including the teacher, Mr.W. I myself, am Shaniqua. You'll come to know lots about me, my life, and my thoughts. Whether you, the reader of this, likes what I write about, or not, i don't care. Hope you enjoy it though...
